Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

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Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)

HASETRI offers a high-end equipment to obtain 2D and 3D images along with the probing system by discovering various topographic and spectroscopic information of the samples (polymers, ceramics, biomaterials etc.)

AFM is method of choice for examining surface/blend morphology, roughness, force spectroscopy, adhesion energy by using some of the standard imaging techniques like Non-contact, contact and tapping modes in air or liquid medium. Some of the localised mechanical properties like young’s modulus, hardness can be obtained with the help of nano-indentor and some special properties like magnetic and electric properties can also be determined.



  • Force Modulation Microscopy (FMM): FMM images can provide information related to the mechanical properties of a sample, such as elasticity, adhesion force, and friction. It can also distinguish the variations in the composition of a sample.
  • Electrostatic Force Microscopy (EFM): It is a technique used to map electric properties such as surface potential and charge distribution on a sample surface
  • Magnetic Force Microscopy (MFM): MFM is a technique used to map magnetic properties of a sample.
  • Pin Point Mode: It provides information regarding the surface morphology as well as the quantitative nanomechanical properties (i.e., modulus, adhesion, deformation and dissipation) of the sample.
  • Heating & cooling stage: It is designed to provide controlled heating or cooling of the dry samples. It is useful to determine the change in mechanical properties or the morphology at controlled temperature.
  • Liquid Probe Stage: This stage helps to determine the morphological change of the samples when it is immersed in the liquid cell.
