In-Cabin Noise Indoor

In-Cabin Noise is an important parameter regarding the comfort of Passengers and Driver. The noise and vibration experienced inside the cabin is dependent on tyre as well as the vehicle properties.

HASETRI’s ISO certified semi Anechoic chamber provides the ideal environment to measure the NVH properties inside the vehicle cabin. The chamber houses single drum (which is soon to be upgraded to two) on which the front/rear wheels shall be driven. This eliminates the need of engine drive thereby making Tyre- Road wheel interaction the major parameter influencing the in-cabin noise and vibrations. The in-cabin measurement can be done and studied for Benchmarking and Troubleshooting purposes.
The Chamber can house even a small Truck inside comfortably for measurements. Noise can be plotted as FFT or 1/3rd Octave Maps for analysis. The chamber, being acoustically and mechanically isolated from the surroundings ensures quality data and is repeatable due to controlled parameters inside the chamber.
