Calibration (Mechanical & Thermal)

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Calibration (Mechanical & Thermal)

Calibration is the process of checking machines and making sure that values used in measurements remain at standard points. It is the process of verifying a machine’s work and performance within a set of specifications. When done the right way, calibration can make life easier and better. It allows for faster processes with lesser errors and mistakes. During calibration, it is also important to make sure that the measurements taken during the period are also valid. The values that you have gotten during the calibration process are the values that are accepted to be the most accurate and precise. HASETRI has set-up calibration laboratory with the following facilities:

Balance Calibration:Range 1 mg to 10 kg

Dimension Calibration: Range 1 mm to 300 mm

Temperature Calibration: Range -40 to 1000°C

Pressure Calibration:Range: 1 to 700 bar Load: upto 10 tonnes

Weighing Mechine

Liquid Temperature Bath

Dry Temperature Well

Humidity Chamber
